Sunday, April 15, 2007

We make some friends!

So finally, slowly as I expected, but too slow for Matt, we are making friends. Last night we went to a birthday and met a great group of people and got invited to happy hours and bike rides. AND- this is probably the biggest one- we met someone who said, simply, "I Love Houston." He said there were lots of things he couldn't wait for us to see and experience here, and I found myself getting excited. He talked about all of the ethnic communities, the food, and playing volleyball 10 months out of the year.
So I am again hopeful about our prospects here. I had been pretty worried there for a while, it was so hard to see Matt having such a tough time, and thinking that the next few years might stretch themselves out as we count the days until we can do something else. Now it looks like we are finding the good in this place, great things to do and see, as well as interesting and positive people.
Best of all, I am ever-so-slowly regaining the self-esteem and confidence that was lost/taken from me in that terrible job experience. I am working with great people and have opportunities every single day to feel smart and valuable, and valued; at work and at home. Right now, that is "as good as it gets".

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